Timeless Classics

Push In Style Center Caps

From ET Mags

All E-T caps are made from forged 6061 aluminum alloy for its light weight and lasting luster.  This tall push in cap is designed for the front or rear wheel, for its better hub clearance.  We offer a matching short cap that will provide the deep appearance for the rear wheel, i.e. Fueler, Five Window or on a modern front hubs where clearance in not needed. The push in caps are retained with an O-ring.

E-T Push In Caps
E-T Push In Caps
CAP-LT-TALL Tall Push In Cap Front Wheel $45
CAP-LT-SHORT Short Push In Cap Rear Wheel (7/8" under cap) $45
CAP-GX-SMALL Gasser Cap Gasser & Dragmaster $35
CAP-NUT-LOLA E-T Lola Nut Cap Lola, Sebring, Indy $35
E-T Push In Standard(Tall) Cap E-T Push In Standard(Tall) Cap
E-T Push In Short Cap E-T Push In Short Cap
E-T Lola Nut Cap E-T Lola Nut Cap
E-T Gasser/Dragmaster Cap E-T Gasser/Dragmaster Cap
Gasser-Dragmaster Cap Gasser-Dragmaster Cap
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